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The following is an e-mail from Helen (Joe's wife) to their son, David, giving a little background of Joe's past:
The Rose City Motorcycle team is in very few of the pictures. Most of them are from the Multnomah County Sheriff Reserve Motorcycle Stunt Team. It was a very exclusive group and several were made reserve just so they could be on the team.
Joe Neys was a Multonomah County Sheriff. I don't remember how many years he was employed there.
Some of the old-timers in Condon can remember when the team performed at the fairgrounds in Condon where Joe raised his family, but that was before Joe was a member of the team.
Most of the b/w pictures were taken at Vancouver BC or in Reno. The colored were taken in Portland one Sunday when Joe couldn't get there. He felt bad because he wasn't in those pictures. He quit the team just before his middle son Dave was born. He felt he could not spare the time to go to practice in Portland every week (from Condon) and that it was not fair to the other team members.
Just a little background information to go with your memorabilia.
Love, Mom